

The Pen and Muse for Promises to Keep:

Looking for fantasy with a big dash of paranormal? Look no further, Kuehl has this and much, much more! Kuehl does a wonderful job telling Starlette’s journey and describing a world full of magic. 


The Pen and Muse for Fade to Black:


Kuehl’s writing gives Sarah an edgy, street-savvy persona. Sarah is the modern day heroine with smarts who does not need a dashing hero to come to her rescue. Sarah can look after herself and in a world where one walks a fine line between two existences, Sarah must draw on every ounce of humanity and ‘were-ity’ to avoid being overwhelmed by threatening forces.



The Pen and Muse for Malevolent Dead:


Following in the intriguing footsteps of the first book in the Sarah Vargas series, Fade to Black, author Heather Kuehl (keel) tracks Sarah’s latest mission where the stakes are higher in the chilling Malevolent Dead. Kuehl’s skilled writing brings an added dimension to Sarah Vargas without compromising the ass-kicking sensibility of this determined heroine. Sarah is the resilient Were caught in the middle of her quest for revenge and the fallout that demands she pay the ultimate price. Sarah’s difficult choices deliver suspenseful action and promises readers more than they and Sarah bargained for in the highly anticipated third book due in the coming months.



The Pen and Muse for Blood Moon:


When I think of Heather Kuehl, I think of great action packed paranormal writing. Why? She simply provides it with such ease that as a reader, you invest in her works, her characters, and the world these characters are in. This is the third book in the Sarah Vargas series, let me tell you, you will sympathize with this character. Sarah is a great kick ass character that you will absolutely fall in love with. Without giving away too much about the Blood Moon Corporation, they do not like rouges and Sarah is one, she will not fall in line. Although I didn’t get to read the rest of the series from the beginning, I caught on rather quickly as to what was going on. I do recommend starting at the beginning for this one because it will provide some answers. Check out the trailer for this one as well. If you love paranormal and action, be sure to pick this gem up. Kuehl is also donating all of her proceeds from Blood Moon to a children’s hospital, now you can read about Sarah and help those in need. A win, win situation.




The Pen and Muse for Far and Away:


Kuehl does it again with some great flash fiction and poetry. Her work makes you think, is something really hiding in the dark and even in the deep recesses of your mind. Kuehl will show her readers fan base that she does poetry as well as flash fiction. These flash fiction stories will be enjoyed by all, the one for me as a reader that stuck out the most was the story of the pet who tries to make his escape. When you can put yourself as a writer into an animals shoes then you can accomplish many things and Kuehl does it with success and talent. This book will make you think about many things as you follow the characters on the journey while the poetry will entertain you. A definite winner to add to any writers and readers shelves who love flash fiction and poetry.



The Pen and Muse for Far and Away:


One of the greatest challenges a writer faces is using as few words as possible to make a point, evoke an emotion, or even to tell a story. Flash fiction and poetry are among the most difficult ways to achieve effective writing, yet can also be the most rewarding. In this era of media sound bytes and 140 character Tweets, readers welcome a brief respite from their daily lives when there is not always time to devote to a traditional read. Heather Kuehl, author of the Sarah Vargas Series, presents her refreshing twist on flash fiction and poetry in her wickedly satirical Far and Away Anthology. Known for her kick-ass smart characters and snappy writing, Kuehl shares some of her best shorties that present the bizarre, the fantastical, and the outrageous in a collection designed to stimulate the imagination and challenge the expected. Presenting some past successes along with ten fresh new offerings, Kuehl delivers brief mini-escapes that in just a few words provoke the senses with a cranial workout. Perfect for momentary jolts in between the daily moments of drudgery, Far and Away is loaded with slices of life that sting with humor and linger in memory.



The Pen and Muse for Epiphany:


If your anything like me, I love a lot of paranormal romances with fairies or the fey. In this case, Kuehl takes on a ride with Epiphany. Those who love action, adventure, the fey, and romance will love this. I just kept turning pages wishing for this to keep going. I loved both characters and they compliment each other well. I want Kuehl to make a series out of this one. Surely there is always more to tell.



The Pen and Muse for Dream Lover:


Kuehl brings a wonderful little romance with her short story, Dream Lover. Although it’s a short story, you can invest in the characters and the plot line. I hope this to be a short story series.


Romancing the Book for Epiphany:
Posted on Goodreads – 4 stars

This is a wonderful, short story, and a quick read. With a solid plot that is action-packed and full of suspense. Everlena is thrown into a world she knows nothing of and changes her forever. I do not believe that she was looking for love but found it in a way that was breathtaking. Mika is not what I would expect from an Unseelie King. His caring and kindness to Everlena is what every girl wants in a guy. The connection between Everlena and Mika is just magical. It’s my feeling that they were born to love each other. I found myself smiling a lot while reading. The secondary characters bring spunk and humor to this tale. I love tales of the Fae and I think this one hits spot on. As I was finished reading I instantly want to hear more of this wonderful world that Heather Kuehl has created. I do hope in the future there are books to satisfy my want for more. A perfect one sitting read!!!! Posted by Deana on Romancing the Book. Thanks to the publisher for the ARC.


Long and Short Reviews for Epiphany:
Posted on Goodreads – 3 stars

This is a good, little story, and a quick read. There is some distant writing, some vagueness, but it's action-packed and full of suspense. With a solid plot and interesting characters that I enjoyed reading about, it's a fantasy romance that could be read and certainly enjoyed in a single sitting.


Siren’s Song Reviews for Epiphany:
Posted on Goodreads – 4 stars

This was a cute and quick glance into Everlena being introduced into the Fey world. She is attacked and saved quite a few times in this short little piece. It is an extremely entertaining read that keeps you sucked in and before you know it you see The End. This book was a tease! It tells you just enough so your not lost and leaves you with wanting to know more. Please tell me there is going to be another book? My favorite character has to be Amythist, who happens to be a badass sorceress and the leader of a band of cutthroats and thieves. I would love to know her story. I would recommend this story to people who are looking for a fast, feel good story. It gives you a bubbly awe feeling! I give this book 4 stars with a +2 heat rating. There is a really hot sex scene but, its has more of a romantic feel than down and dirty!
